Product Details for Material from Linear Technology - DC661A-B - LT3468ES5-1 : Photoflash Capacitor Charger High Voltage Supply, 2.8V to 8Vin, 320Vout 29Y9458

DC661A-B Linear Technology LT3468ES5-1 : Photoflash Capacitor Charger High Voltage Supply, 2.8V to 8Vin, 320Vout 29Y9458

Part Nnumber
LT3468ES5-1 : Photoflash Capacitor Charger High Voltage Supply, 2.8V to 8Vin, 320Vout 29Y9458
Linear Technology
Basic price
137,77 EUR

The product with part number DC661A-B (LT3468ES5-1 : Photoflash Capacitor Charger High Voltage Supply, 2.8V to 8Vin, 320Vout 29Y9458) is from company Linear Technology and distributed with basic unit price 137,77 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Approx. production time is 5 weeks, Weight is 0 Kg, Custom Tariff 90308200.

SVHC: No SVHC (17-Dec-2014)

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